189 results Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way. ESMA publishes report on licencing of fintech firms across europe On 12 July, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") published a report on the status of licencing regimes of FinTech firms across the European Union ("EU"). Double roles in attributing knowledge The knowledge of a person who in fact runs a company can be attributed to the company if the sole director and shareholder is a 'straw man', the Supreme Court confirmed in a judgment of 29 March 2019. Stibbe partners with the Blue Tulip Awards Participants in the Blue Tulip Awards can now make use of Stibbe's high-quality legal knowledge, as we have become a partner of the Blue Tulip Awards 2019 in the legal domain. We will provide legal advice on various themes start-ups which have registered GDPR meets corporate: (new) opportunities in an M&A case The GDPR is everywhere, also in M&A cases. This article covers some practical points how to cope with GDPR during a deal from beginning to end. Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2018 van kracht Op 1 januari 2019 is de Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2018 (grotendeels) in werking getreden. Deze wet maakt onderdeel uit van de jaarlijkse wijzigingscyclus van nationale regelgeving op het terrein van de financiële markten. Trage rechtsbescherming tegen traag bestuur In 2006 bracht de nationale ombudsman een jaarverslag uit dat weinig aan actualiteit heeft ingeboet. Stibbe advises Q-Park Stibbe advises Q-Park on the irrevocable and unconditional offer from KKR Infrastructure to acquire 100% of the outstanding share capital of Q-Park for an enterprise value of €2.95 billion. Stibbe advises Yandex Stibbe advises Vodafone Stibbe advises Vodafone Netherlands with the filing of a lawsuit with the Court of Rotterdam against the ACM in respect of its approval of KPN’s takeover of FTTH operator Reggefiber. Stibbe advises Tornier Stibbe advises Tornier N.V. on its merger with Wright Medical Group, Inc. in an all stock transaction with a combined equity value of approximately $3.3 billion. Stibbe advises on the IPO of Yandex Digital operational resilience as key priority for financial institutions Financial institutions and third party ICT providers will have to strengthen their IT security organisations, as the European Digital Operational Resilience Act is expected to be fully applicable in early 2025 after a two-year implementation period. Unauthorized representation: commitment of the principal to the agreement In Dutch commercial legal practice, contracting parties frequently act as representatives of a company. The capacity of contracting parties and (commercial) contracts Under Dutch law, a general principle is that contracting parties conclude agreements in their own name, i.e. they conclude agreements for themselves. The qualification of a (commercial) contract The Dutch Civil Code provides for several nominate contracts, for example: contractor agreements, purchase agreements, lease contracts, agency agreements and employment contracts. Frédéric Playe Associate Luxembourg The future of nuclear energy in the Netherlands On 1 July 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy informed the Lower House about the actions the government has taken to implement the coalition agreement in the area of nuclear energy. Pagination Previous page Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Next page
Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way.
ESMA publishes report on licencing of fintech firms across europe On 12 July, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") published a report on the status of licencing regimes of FinTech firms across the European Union ("EU").
Double roles in attributing knowledge The knowledge of a person who in fact runs a company can be attributed to the company if the sole director and shareholder is a 'straw man', the Supreme Court confirmed in a judgment of 29 March 2019.
Stibbe partners with the Blue Tulip Awards Participants in the Blue Tulip Awards can now make use of Stibbe's high-quality legal knowledge, as we have become a partner of the Blue Tulip Awards 2019 in the legal domain. We will provide legal advice on various themes start-ups which have registered
GDPR meets corporate: (new) opportunities in an M&A case The GDPR is everywhere, also in M&A cases. This article covers some practical points how to cope with GDPR during a deal from beginning to end.
Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2018 van kracht Op 1 januari 2019 is de Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2018 (grotendeels) in werking getreden. Deze wet maakt onderdeel uit van de jaarlijkse wijzigingscyclus van nationale regelgeving op het terrein van de financiële markten.
Trage rechtsbescherming tegen traag bestuur In 2006 bracht de nationale ombudsman een jaarverslag uit dat weinig aan actualiteit heeft ingeboet.
Stibbe advises Q-Park Stibbe advises Q-Park on the irrevocable and unconditional offer from KKR Infrastructure to acquire 100% of the outstanding share capital of Q-Park for an enterprise value of €2.95 billion.
Stibbe advises Vodafone Stibbe advises Vodafone Netherlands with the filing of a lawsuit with the Court of Rotterdam against the ACM in respect of its approval of KPN’s takeover of FTTH operator Reggefiber.
Stibbe advises Tornier Stibbe advises Tornier N.V. on its merger with Wright Medical Group, Inc. in an all stock transaction with a combined equity value of approximately $3.3 billion.
Digital operational resilience as key priority for financial institutions Financial institutions and third party ICT providers will have to strengthen their IT security organisations, as the European Digital Operational Resilience Act is expected to be fully applicable in early 2025 after a two-year implementation period.
Unauthorized representation: commitment of the principal to the agreement In Dutch commercial legal practice, contracting parties frequently act as representatives of a company.
The capacity of contracting parties and (commercial) contracts Under Dutch law, a general principle is that contracting parties conclude agreements in their own name, i.e. they conclude agreements for themselves.
The qualification of a (commercial) contract The Dutch Civil Code provides for several nominate contracts, for example: contractor agreements, purchase agreements, lease contracts, agency agreements and employment contracts.
The future of nuclear energy in the Netherlands On 1 July 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy informed the Lower House about the actions the government has taken to implement the coalition agreement in the area of nuclear energy.