61 results Overzicht van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Gelieve hierbij een overzicht te vinden van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 25 april 2022. Stibbe advises Odyssey Acquisition Stibbe advises Odyssey Acquisition on its EUR 1.5 billion business combination With BenevolentAI. Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement. Stibbe IP lawyers speak at the Autumn IP Forum organized by CocreateIP in Munich. ignace Vernimme, IP partner at Stibbe Brussels and his associate Joanna De Smedt, speak on 14 October at the 3rd Cocreate Autumn IP Forum 2019. Stibbe's Digital Economy team launches ‘AI for Business’ course To provide our clients with cutting-edge and effective solutions to the legal challenges involved when deploying artificial intelligence (AI), a thorough understanding of the concepts of AI is crucial. Debate night: HR Analytics: opportunity or threat? Stibbe's Digital Economy Group is organising a debate on 'HR analytics' in Amsterdam on 2 July 2019. Speakers from business, politics, science and law will discuss labour and privacy law aspects of AI and HR Analytics. Debatavond: HR Analytics: kans of bedreiging? Stibbe's Digital Economy Group organiseert op 2 juli 2019 een debat in Amsterdam over 'HR analytics'. Sprekers uit bedrijfsleven, politiek, wetenschap en recht bespreken arbeids- en privacyrechtelijke aspecten van AI en HR Analytics. Stibbe advises SleepScore Labs Stibbe advised SleepScore Labs on the acquisition of Sleep.ai, a Netherlands-based digital health company. Erik Valgaeren moderates a panel on AI Governance during the annual CPDP Conference in Brussels. Erik Valgaeren, moderates a session on 'Artificial Intelligence Governance: role of legislators, tech companies and standard bodies' during the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (30 January - 1 February 2019) in Brussels. Het gebruik van algoritmes door overheden leidt te vaak tot discriminatie en andere mensenrechtelijke knelpunten: biedt het Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes een oplossing? Het College voor de Rechten van de Mens (CRM) vroeg recent aandacht voor ‘aanhoudend foutief gebruik van algoritmes door overheden’. Dit zou leiden tot discriminatie. Thibau Duquin Junior Associate Brussels Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all? Stibbe in panel Generative Artificial Intelligence event Op donderdag 27 juni nam Stibbe deel aan een event over Generative Artificial Intelligence en de mogelijke betekenis en impact ervan op verschillende spelers en belanghebbenden in de juridische sector. Stibbe advises Advantest Corporation on the acquisition of Salland Engineering Stibbe has successfully assisted Advantest Corporation in their acquisition of Salland Engineering. Under this acquisition, Salland Engineering will be an independent, wholly-owned (indirect) subsidiary of Advantest Europe GmbH. Is the Metaverse really dead? Well, not according to the EU Commission… The European Commission recently unveiled its vision for the Metaverse and virtual worlds. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU. Benjamin Marthoz Counsel Luxembourg Nicolas Pradel Senior Associate Luxembourg Pagination Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page
Overzicht van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Gelieve hierbij een overzicht te vinden van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 25 april 2022.
Stibbe advises Odyssey Acquisition Stibbe advises Odyssey Acquisition on its EUR 1.5 billion business combination With BenevolentAI.
Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement.
Stibbe IP lawyers speak at the Autumn IP Forum organized by CocreateIP in Munich. ignace Vernimme, IP partner at Stibbe Brussels and his associate Joanna De Smedt, speak on 14 October at the 3rd Cocreate Autumn IP Forum 2019.
Stibbe's Digital Economy team launches ‘AI for Business’ course To provide our clients with cutting-edge and effective solutions to the legal challenges involved when deploying artificial intelligence (AI), a thorough understanding of the concepts of AI is crucial.
Debate night: HR Analytics: opportunity or threat? Stibbe's Digital Economy Group is organising a debate on 'HR analytics' in Amsterdam on 2 July 2019. Speakers from business, politics, science and law will discuss labour and privacy law aspects of AI and HR Analytics.
Debatavond: HR Analytics: kans of bedreiging? Stibbe's Digital Economy Group organiseert op 2 juli 2019 een debat in Amsterdam over 'HR analytics'. Sprekers uit bedrijfsleven, politiek, wetenschap en recht bespreken arbeids- en privacyrechtelijke aspecten van AI en HR Analytics.
Stibbe advises SleepScore Labs Stibbe advised SleepScore Labs on the acquisition of Sleep.ai, a Netherlands-based digital health company.
Erik Valgaeren moderates a panel on AI Governance during the annual CPDP Conference in Brussels. Erik Valgaeren, moderates a session on 'Artificial Intelligence Governance: role of legislators, tech companies and standard bodies' during the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (30 January - 1 February 2019) in Brussels.
Het gebruik van algoritmes door overheden leidt te vaak tot discriminatie en andere mensenrechtelijke knelpunten: biedt het Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes een oplossing? Het College voor de Rechten van de Mens (CRM) vroeg recent aandacht voor ‘aanhoudend foutief gebruik van algoritmes door overheden’. Dit zou leiden tot discriminatie.
Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all?
Stibbe in panel Generative Artificial Intelligence event Op donderdag 27 juni nam Stibbe deel aan een event over Generative Artificial Intelligence en de mogelijke betekenis en impact ervan op verschillende spelers en belanghebbenden in de juridische sector.
Stibbe advises Advantest Corporation on the acquisition of Salland Engineering Stibbe has successfully assisted Advantest Corporation in their acquisition of Salland Engineering. Under this acquisition, Salland Engineering will be an independent, wholly-owned (indirect) subsidiary of Advantest Europe GmbH.
Is the Metaverse really dead? Well, not according to the EU Commission… The European Commission recently unveiled its vision for the Metaverse and virtual worlds.
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU.