731 results Corporate governance and directors' duties in the Netherlands: overview A high-level overview of board composition and restrictions, directors' remuneration, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, and internal controls, accounts and audits. Killing three birds with one stone: Illumina wins Article 22 battle The ECJ wrote the epilogue to the Illumina/Grail saga, overturning the EC’s novel ‘Article 22’ approach. It is now clear that the EC cannot accept referral requests to review transactions that fall below the thresholds of national merger control regimes. Gegevensbescherming: de bestuursrechtelijke aspecten van de AVG Tom Barkhuysen, Janita Hofman, Minke Reijneveld en Steven Bastiaans (Boels Zanders) schreven samen de jaarlijkse NTB kroniek: de bestuursrechtelijke aspecten van de AVG. The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings. The Ecodesign Regulation: new sustainability obligations for manufacturers The Ecodesign Regulation entered into force on 18 July 2024. It forms the basis of the EU’s approach to sustainable and circular product design. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager. Mayday, Mayday: Pay day! The Commission’s fight to avoid paying interest to Deutsche Telekom is over. The ECJ upheld the right of companies to receive interest on unduly collected antitrust fines, carrying a hefty price tag for the Commission. The ECJ’s ruling in Servier: Never Settle For Less Patent settlement agreements between originator pharmaceutical companies and generics manufacturers are a risky business. Originator medicine company Servier and five generic companies rolled the dice and the ECJ largely confirmed their antitrust fines. First application of Towercast in Belgium and merger filing exemption for certain hospital merger The Belgian Competition Authority has applied the Towercast case law in a first case in Belgium. It could possibly try do so again for certain hospital mergers that the legislator has recently exempted from merger filing in Belgium. Stibbe contributes to commentary on the Dutch Minimum Tax Act 2024 Zoya Zalmai and Thijs van Vliet contributed to the commentary on the Dutch Minimum Tax Act 2024 published in the online Dutch tax database NDFR. Global Legal Insights - Corporate Tax 2024 guide is now available The Global Legal Insights - Corporate Tax 2024 guide is now available. Michael Molenaars, Reinout de Boer, Maurits van Dijk and Ashley Peeters are its contributing authors. Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation. Tom Verdonk co-edited ‘Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain’ Tom Verdonk has co-edited the book ‘Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain’, recently published by Larcier-Intersentia. Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake – directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity. Breaking off negotiations: does unjust enrichment lead to liability for damages? The Dutch Supreme Court rendered a decision on 14 June 2024 that sheds light on the standards for a party’s obligation to reimburse the other party’s costs when breaking off negotiations. Listing Act: expanded prospectus exemptions On 24 April 2024 the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act, a legislative package that includes changes to the Prospectus Regulation, the Market Abuse Regulation, MiFID II and MIFIR. In this article we discuss these expanded prospectus exemptions Package of new anti-money laundering rules adopted by European Council On 30 of May 2024 the Council of the European Union adopted the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Package (the AML Package). The AML Package will have consequences for market parties. Equity raises: prospectus exemptions and share issuance approvals In this note we discuss the interplay between prospectus exemptions and share issuance authorisations of listed Dutch companies. Prospectus exemptions are expanded under the EU Listing Act, but will Dutch issuers be able to take full advantage? Pagination Previous page Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Next page
Corporate governance and directors' duties in the Netherlands: overview A high-level overview of board composition and restrictions, directors' remuneration, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, and internal controls, accounts and audits.
Killing three birds with one stone: Illumina wins Article 22 battle The ECJ wrote the epilogue to the Illumina/Grail saga, overturning the EC’s novel ‘Article 22’ approach. It is now clear that the EC cannot accept referral requests to review transactions that fall below the thresholds of national merger control regimes.
Gegevensbescherming: de bestuursrechtelijke aspecten van de AVG Tom Barkhuysen, Janita Hofman, Minke Reijneveld en Steven Bastiaans (Boels Zanders) schreven samen de jaarlijkse NTB kroniek: de bestuursrechtelijke aspecten van de AVG.
The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings.
The Ecodesign Regulation: new sustainability obligations for manufacturers The Ecodesign Regulation entered into force on 18 July 2024. It forms the basis of the EU’s approach to sustainable and circular product design.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager.
Mayday, Mayday: Pay day! The Commission’s fight to avoid paying interest to Deutsche Telekom is over. The ECJ upheld the right of companies to receive interest on unduly collected antitrust fines, carrying a hefty price tag for the Commission.
The ECJ’s ruling in Servier: Never Settle For Less Patent settlement agreements between originator pharmaceutical companies and generics manufacturers are a risky business. Originator medicine company Servier and five generic companies rolled the dice and the ECJ largely confirmed their antitrust fines.
First application of Towercast in Belgium and merger filing exemption for certain hospital merger The Belgian Competition Authority has applied the Towercast case law in a first case in Belgium. It could possibly try do so again for certain hospital mergers that the legislator has recently exempted from merger filing in Belgium.
Stibbe contributes to commentary on the Dutch Minimum Tax Act 2024 Zoya Zalmai and Thijs van Vliet contributed to the commentary on the Dutch Minimum Tax Act 2024 published in the online Dutch tax database NDFR.
Global Legal Insights - Corporate Tax 2024 guide is now available The Global Legal Insights - Corporate Tax 2024 guide is now available. Michael Molenaars, Reinout de Boer, Maurits van Dijk and Ashley Peeters are its contributing authors.
Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation.
Tom Verdonk co-edited ‘Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain’ Tom Verdonk has co-edited the book ‘Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain’, recently published by Larcier-Intersentia.
Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake – directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity.
Breaking off negotiations: does unjust enrichment lead to liability for damages? The Dutch Supreme Court rendered a decision on 14 June 2024 that sheds light on the standards for a party’s obligation to reimburse the other party’s costs when breaking off negotiations.
Listing Act: expanded prospectus exemptions On 24 April 2024 the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act, a legislative package that includes changes to the Prospectus Regulation, the Market Abuse Regulation, MiFID II and MIFIR. In this article we discuss these expanded prospectus exemptions
Package of new anti-money laundering rules adopted by European Council On 30 of May 2024 the Council of the European Union adopted the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Package (the AML Package). The AML Package will have consequences for market parties.
Equity raises: prospectus exemptions and share issuance approvals In this note we discuss the interplay between prospectus exemptions and share issuance authorisations of listed Dutch companies. Prospectus exemptions are expanded under the EU Listing Act, but will Dutch issuers be able to take full advantage?