731 results Findings published from study into Dutch lucrative interest scheme – carried interest / sweet equity The Dutch Government published findings from a study performed into the Dutch lucrative interest scheme, which scheme generally applies to carried interest / sweet equity arrangements of managers of private equity funds and their portfolio companies. Happy first anniversary! One year of the Vifo Act: an update On the first of June, the Dutch national security investment screening regime (the Vifo Act) celebrated its first anniversary. Time to take stock of key findings and forthcoming developments. Register of legal practice areas CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection. Shareholding filings by listed companies and their shareholders Navigating the various AFM shareholding notification obligations in the Netherlands for listed companies and their shareholders can be complex. Emilie Renardel de Lavalette published an article breaking down the required filings. Gelijke behandeling mannen en vrouwen: beloning versus arbeidsvoorwaarden (annotatie) Phinney Disseldorp bespreekt het Air Nostrum-arrest van het Hof van Justitie van de EU van 4 oktober 2024. Dit arrest gaat in de kern over de reikwijdte van het beloningsbegrip in Richtlijn inzake de gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen. ESG disclosure in equity prospectuses: current state of affairs In a world where ESG takes centre stage, equity prospectuses will need to include disclosure on all material ESG-related matters. ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations. EU institutions agree on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: what to expect? On 14 December 2023, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament agreed on a compromise text for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”). E-book: ‘Equal pay for women and men. Key new reporting requirements at European level’ To mark Equal Pay Day, we are publishing the e-book 'Equal pay for women and men. The most important reporting obligations at European level'. Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence On 23 February 2022 the European Commission (the "Commission") published a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (the "CSDD proposal"). Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models. ESG and sustainable finance update: how to manage greenwashing risks in green and sustainability-linked loans and bonds With green, sustainable and sustainability-linked debt funding on the rise, how do financial market participants steer clear of greenwashing risks when they provide or attract such debt funding? Signaleringsblog week 30: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode. More differentiation by degree of culpability required in Penalty Policy under Foreign Nationals Act More differentiation by degree of culpability required in Penalty Policy under Foreign Nationals Act. C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here. The Netherlands’ Budget Day 2024 On Tuesday 17 September 2024 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2025 Tax Package (Pakket Belastingplan) including the 2025 Tax Plan (Belastingplan) and the 2025 Other Tax Measures (Overige Fiscale Maatregelen). Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis. Pagination Previous page Page 38 Current page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Next page
Findings published from study into Dutch lucrative interest scheme – carried interest / sweet equity The Dutch Government published findings from a study performed into the Dutch lucrative interest scheme, which scheme generally applies to carried interest / sweet equity arrangements of managers of private equity funds and their portfolio companies.
Happy first anniversary! One year of the Vifo Act: an update On the first of June, the Dutch national security investment screening regime (the Vifo Act) celebrated its first anniversary. Time to take stock of key findings and forthcoming developments.
CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection.
Shareholding filings by listed companies and their shareholders Navigating the various AFM shareholding notification obligations in the Netherlands for listed companies and their shareholders can be complex. Emilie Renardel de Lavalette published an article breaking down the required filings.
Gelijke behandeling mannen en vrouwen: beloning versus arbeidsvoorwaarden (annotatie) Phinney Disseldorp bespreekt het Air Nostrum-arrest van het Hof van Justitie van de EU van 4 oktober 2024. Dit arrest gaat in de kern over de reikwijdte van het beloningsbegrip in Richtlijn inzake de gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen.
ESG disclosure in equity prospectuses: current state of affairs In a world where ESG takes centre stage, equity prospectuses will need to include disclosure on all material ESG-related matters.
ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations.
EU institutions agree on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: what to expect? On 14 December 2023, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament agreed on a compromise text for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”).
E-book: ‘Equal pay for women and men. Key new reporting requirements at European level’ To mark Equal Pay Day, we are publishing the e-book 'Equal pay for women and men. The most important reporting obligations at European level'.
Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence On 23 February 2022 the European Commission (the "Commission") published a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (the "CSDD proposal").
Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models.
ESG and sustainable finance update: how to manage greenwashing risks in green and sustainability-linked loans and bonds With green, sustainable and sustainability-linked debt funding on the rise, how do financial market participants steer clear of greenwashing risks when they provide or attract such debt funding?
Signaleringsblog week 30: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
More differentiation by degree of culpability required in Penalty Policy under Foreign Nationals Act More differentiation by degree of culpability required in Penalty Policy under Foreign Nationals Act.
C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here.
The Netherlands’ Budget Day 2024 On Tuesday 17 September 2024 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2025 Tax Package (Pakket Belastingplan) including the 2025 Tax Plan (Belastingplan) and the 2025 Other Tax Measures (Overige Fiscale Maatregelen).
Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis.