669 results Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through. Top real estate lawyers 2022: Corona is still among us PropertyNL facilitated a roundtable discussion with representatives of top listed real estate practices. Maarten de Bruin participated on behalf of Stibbe. Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression. Dutch Government proposes the long awaited amendments to the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act On 21 October 2022, the long awaited legislative proposal to amend the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act. Stibbe Luxembourg expands its service with the arrival of Of Counsel, Jeannette Vaude-Perrin Stibbe reinforces its asset management/investment funds practice with the hire of Jeannette Vaude-Perrin as Of Counsel in its Luxembourg office. Stibbe advises VCK Stibbe advises VCK on the sale of VCK Logistics to Janssen. Wie is de UBO? De UBO-registratieverplichting en terugmeldverplichting nader beschouwd Op 27 maart 2022 was het zover: uiterlijk op die datum moesten in Nederland opgerichte rechtspersonen en personenvennootschappen hun uiteindelijk belanghebbenden, oftewel hun ultimate beneficial owners, hebben geregistreerd in het UBO-register. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. The combination creates a leader in the Dutch pension, life, and non-life insurance markets. Recent developments regarding (1) the tax treatment of W&I premiums and payouts; (2) the Dutch Supreme Court’s prejudicial questions following the CJEU Lexel ruling; and (3) the consultation on the modernization of Dutch partnerships On 18 October 2022, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published a document regarding certain Dutch corporate income tax considerations in respect of premiums and payouts under a Warranties and Indemnities (W&I) insurance. The Netherlands launches public consultation on draft bill for Pillar Two implementation On 24 October 2022, the Dutch Government published a draft bill and explanatory notes for public consultation on the implementation of the 15% minimum corporate tax rate following Pillar Two (the “Draft Bill”). Current developments in Dutch tax law This Tax Alert provides an update on three relevant tax development. Digital Markets Act: “with great power must come great responsibility” The countdown is on for digital giants. The entry into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) on 1 November 2022 triggered a to do list for potential gatekeepers with 2 May 2023 as the next key date to keep in mind: see our DMA infographic. Extended access to electronic data for the Belgian Competition Authority The Belgian legislator has amended some competition law provisions in Book IV Code of Economic law. The new provision on access to data of electronic communications operators endows the Belgian Competition Authority with new investigation powers. Spooked no more: antitrust safe harbour for solo self-employed persons The Commission’s guidelines on collective agreements clarify the manoeuvre room solo self-employed persons have under the competition rules to collectively boost their working conditions. A Directive on platform work working conditions is on the way. The ACM hits the ground running in its 2025 priorities The ACM will, possibly as a prelude to an upcoming New Competition Tool, launch market investigations into five sectors. Companies are well-advised to prepare for upcoming market investigations and potential solutions for identified market failures. Special regulation on franchise agreements proposed: more protection for franchisees On 12 December, a draft legislative proposal ("proposal") was published containing a special regulation on franchise agreements. Until now, there have been no special regulations regarding franchise agreements. Stibbe launches website on the new Netherlands Commercial Court To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court on 1 January 2019, Stibbe has launched a new website to provide you with the latest developments on this new international court. District Court in the Netherlands rules on limitation periods in CRT case On 27 June 2018, the District Court of East-Brabant ruled on the limitation periods of a damages claim brought by Vestel in relation to the alleged cathode ray tubes (CRT) cartel. Pagination Previous page Page 30 Current page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Next page
Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through.
Top real estate lawyers 2022: Corona is still among us PropertyNL facilitated a roundtable discussion with representatives of top listed real estate practices. Maarten de Bruin participated on behalf of Stibbe.
Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression.
Dutch Government proposes the long awaited amendments to the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act On 21 October 2022, the long awaited legislative proposal to amend the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act.
Stibbe Luxembourg expands its service with the arrival of Of Counsel, Jeannette Vaude-Perrin Stibbe reinforces its asset management/investment funds practice with the hire of Jeannette Vaude-Perrin as Of Counsel in its Luxembourg office.
Wie is de UBO? De UBO-registratieverplichting en terugmeldverplichting nader beschouwd Op 27 maart 2022 was het zover: uiterlijk op die datum moesten in Nederland opgerichte rechtspersonen en personenvennootschappen hun uiteindelijk belanghebbenden, oftewel hun ultimate beneficial owners, hebben geregistreerd in het UBO-register.
Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. The combination creates a leader in the Dutch pension, life, and non-life insurance markets.
Recent developments regarding (1) the tax treatment of W&I premiums and payouts; (2) the Dutch Supreme Court’s prejudicial questions following the CJEU Lexel ruling; and (3) the consultation on the modernization of Dutch partnerships On 18 October 2022, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published a document regarding certain Dutch corporate income tax considerations in respect of premiums and payouts under a Warranties and Indemnities (W&I) insurance.
The Netherlands launches public consultation on draft bill for Pillar Two implementation On 24 October 2022, the Dutch Government published a draft bill and explanatory notes for public consultation on the implementation of the 15% minimum corporate tax rate following Pillar Two (the “Draft Bill”).
Current developments in Dutch tax law This Tax Alert provides an update on three relevant tax development.
Digital Markets Act: “with great power must come great responsibility” The countdown is on for digital giants. The entry into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) on 1 November 2022 triggered a to do list for potential gatekeepers with 2 May 2023 as the next key date to keep in mind: see our DMA infographic.
Extended access to electronic data for the Belgian Competition Authority The Belgian legislator has amended some competition law provisions in Book IV Code of Economic law. The new provision on access to data of electronic communications operators endows the Belgian Competition Authority with new investigation powers.
Spooked no more: antitrust safe harbour for solo self-employed persons The Commission’s guidelines on collective agreements clarify the manoeuvre room solo self-employed persons have under the competition rules to collectively boost their working conditions. A Directive on platform work working conditions is on the way.
The ACM hits the ground running in its 2025 priorities The ACM will, possibly as a prelude to an upcoming New Competition Tool, launch market investigations into five sectors. Companies are well-advised to prepare for upcoming market investigations and potential solutions for identified market failures.
Special regulation on franchise agreements proposed: more protection for franchisees On 12 December, a draft legislative proposal ("proposal") was published containing a special regulation on franchise agreements. Until now, there have been no special regulations regarding franchise agreements.
Stibbe launches website on the new Netherlands Commercial Court To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court on 1 January 2019, Stibbe has launched a new website to provide you with the latest developments on this new international court.
District Court in the Netherlands rules on limitation periods in CRT case On 27 June 2018, the District Court of East-Brabant ruled on the limitation periods of a damages claim brought by Vestel in relation to the alleged cathode ray tubes (CRT) cartel.