64 results Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches, Audrey Jarreton and Nicolas Pradel co-authored the SFDR Implementation Guide published on 9 March 2021 by the ABBL, ALFI and ACA for the use of their members. Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on ESG Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches analyses the advantages and the limits of the European Commission's Draft Regulation aimed at facilitating sustainable investments. The New Luxembourg SFDR and Taxonomy Regulation Implementing Law On 3 March 2022, the Luxembourg law of 25 February 2022 implementing a.o. the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Taxonomy Regulation has been published in the Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. New CSSF Circular 22/795 on marketing communications for cross-border distribution of funds The CSSF published on 31 January 2022 the Circular 22/795 regarding the application of the ESMA Guidelines on marketing communications for Luxembourg investment funds (AIFs, UCITS). Stibbe Luxembourg appoints new Executive Partner Bernard Beerens succeeds GĂ©rald Origer as Executive Partner of Stibbe Luxembourg as of 1 January, 2022. Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025. Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociĂ©tĂ©s, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025. Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025. Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren. Stibbe attends the Global ABS Conference AFME and IMN organise their 26th annual meeting from 14 until 16 June 2022 in Barcelona. New CSSF Circular on UCI administrators On 16 May 2022, the CSSF published the Circular 22/811 on UCI administrators to clarify the CSSF current requirements by specifying the principles of sound governance and the CSSF expectations on internal organisation and good practices. Stibbe Luxembourg appoints François Bernard as Of Counsel Stibbe proudly announces the promotion of François Bernard to Of Counsel in the Corporate & Finance practice of its Luxembourg office. Stibbe Luxembourg nomme François Bernard en tant qu'Of Counsel Stibbe a le plaisir d'annoncer la promotion de François Bernard en tant qu'Of Counsel au sein du dĂ©partement Corporate & Finance de son bureau de Luxembourg. Stibbe advises group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser Stibbe advised a group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser on its bid for all outstanding shares of D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 N.V. Stibbe advises financial sector IT services supplier Advising a financial sector supplier of cashless transaction technologies and IT services on various contractual and regulatory issues, including those related to data center activities. Stibbe advises Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Stibbe assisted Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, a US-based private equity firm, with the acquisition of a 40% stake in Belron International Ltd., from DâIeteren SA. Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through. Stibbe Luxembourg expands its service with the arrival of Of Counsel, Jeannette Vaude-Perrin Stibbe reinforces its asset management/investment funds practice with the hire of Jeannette Vaude-Perrin as Of Counsel in its Luxembourg office. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page
Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches, Audrey Jarreton and Nicolas Pradel co-authored the SFDR Implementation Guide published on 9 March 2021 by the ABBL, ALFI and ACA for the use of their members.
Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on ESG Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches analyses the advantages and the limits of the European Commission's Draft Regulation aimed at facilitating sustainable investments.
The New Luxembourg SFDR and Taxonomy Regulation Implementing Law On 3 March 2022, the Luxembourg law of 25 February 2022 implementing a.o. the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Taxonomy Regulation has been published in the Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
New CSSF Circular 22/795 on marketing communications for cross-border distribution of funds The CSSF published on 31 January 2022 the Circular 22/795 regarding the application of the ESMA Guidelines on marketing communications for Luxembourg investment funds (AIFs, UCITS).
Stibbe Luxembourg appoints new Executive Partner Bernard Beerens succeeds GĂ©rald Origer as Executive Partner of Stibbe Luxembourg as of 1 January, 2022.Â
Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax)Â to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025.
Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025.
Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025.
Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren.
Stibbe attends the Global ABS Conference AFME and IMN organise their 26th annual meeting from 14 until 16 June 2022 in Barcelona.
New CSSF Circular on UCI administrators On 16 May 2022, the CSSF published the Circular 22/811 on UCI administrators to clarify the CSSF current requirements by specifying the principles of sound governance and the CSSF expectations on internal organisation and good practices.
Stibbe Luxembourg appoints François Bernard as Of Counsel Stibbe proudly announces the promotion of François Bernard to Of Counsel in the Corporate & Finance practice of its Luxembourg office.Â
Stibbe Luxembourg nomme François Bernard en tant qu'Of Counsel Stibbe a le plaisir d'annoncer la promotion de François Bernard en tant qu'Of Counsel au sein du département Corporate & Finance de son bureau de Luxembourg.
Stibbe advises group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser Stibbe advised a group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser on its bid for all outstanding shares of D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 N.V.
Stibbe advises financial sector IT services supplier Advising a financial sector supplier of cashless transaction technologies and IT services on various contractual and regulatory issues, including those related to data center activities.
Stibbe advises Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Stibbe assisted Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, a US-based private equity firm, with the acquisition of a 40% stake in Belron International Ltd., from DâIeteren SA.
Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through.
Stibbe Luxembourg expands its service with the arrival of Of Counsel, Jeannette Vaude-Perrin Stibbe reinforces its asset management/investment funds practice with the hire of Jeannette Vaude-Perrin as Of Counsel in its Luxembourg office.