89 results Large Dutch multinationals endorse tax governance code Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars examine the tax governance code as recently presented by VNO-NCW and which has been endorsed by 40+ multinationals. Stibbe advises Insight Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners on the acquisition of a minority stake in DataSnipper. Insight Venture Partners is a New York private equity fund that invests in high-growth technology and software companies. The Netherlands' Budget Day 2022 On Tuesday 20 September 2022 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag), the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2023 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2023 Tax Plan (Belastingplan). Recent developments regarding (1) the tax treatment of W&I premiums and payouts; (2) the Dutch Supreme Court’s prejudicial questions following the CJEU Lexel ruling; and (3) the consultation on the modernization of Dutch partnerships On 18 October 2022, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published a document regarding certain Dutch corporate income tax considerations in respect of premiums and payouts under a Warranties and Indemnities (W&I) insurance. The Netherlands launches public consultation on draft bill for Pillar Two implementation On 24 October 2022, the Dutch Government published a draft bill and explanatory notes for public consultation on the implementation of the 15% minimum corporate tax rate following Pillar Two (the “Draft Bill”). Current developments in Dutch tax law This Tax Alert provides an update on three relevant tax development. Overige (internationale) fiscale ontwikkelingen Er staan nog de nodige wijzigingen in het internationale fiscale landschap op de agenda: Further guidance on Dutch ATAD implementation and measures against letterbox companies Further to the policy plans published by the Dutch government in October 2017, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published on February 23, 2018 a Letter (the "Letter") containing further details on certain aspects of the Dutch government's two way appr Stibbe advises TRUMPF Stibbe advises TRUMPF, a leading high-technology company, on the acquisition of the Photonics business from Philips. Stibbe advises Insight / Recorded Future Stibbe advises Recorded Future, a portfolio company of Insight Venture Partners, on the acquisition of Hatching. Stibbe advises China National Petroleum Company Advising China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on its acquisition of a 35% interest in Syria Shell Petroleum Development (SSPD), currently 100% owned by Shell. Wet DBA: handhaving opgeschort tot 1 januari 2020, maar verruiming handhaving bij kwaadwillenden Minister Koolmees en staatssecretaris Snel stuurden vrijdag 9 februari jl. de aangekondigde brief aan de Tweede Kamer met daarin een schets hoe het kabinet denkt te komen tot wetgeving die de Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties zal vervangen. Findings published from study into Dutch lucrative interest scheme – carried interest / sweet equity The Dutch Government published findings from a study performed into the Dutch lucrative interest scheme, which scheme generally applies to carried interest / sweet equity arrangements of managers of private equity funds and their portfolio companies. The Netherlands’ Budget Day 2024 On Tuesday 17 September 2024 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2025 Tax Package (Pakket Belastingplan) including the 2025 Tax Plan (Belastingplan) and the 2025 Other Tax Measures (Overige Fiscale Maatregelen). Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis. 2023 Spring Memorandum includes several policy proposals for tax measures relevant for the Dutch real estate market The Dutch government published the annual Spring Memorandum on Friday 28 April 2023. In this blog post, the policy proposals for tax measures included in the Spring Memorandum that are relevant for real estate investments in the Netherlands are discussed. Stibbe advises United Investment Europe Stibbe assisted United Investment Europe with the corporate, real estate, tax and finance aspects of the development of the 90,000 sqm China-Belgium Technology Center (CBTC), the largest Chinese greenfield investment ever in Belgium. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5
Large Dutch multinationals endorse tax governance code Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars examine the tax governance code as recently presented by VNO-NCW and which has been endorsed by 40+ multinationals.
Stibbe advises Insight Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners on the acquisition of a minority stake in DataSnipper. Insight Venture Partners is a New York private equity fund that invests in high-growth technology and software companies.
The Netherlands' Budget Day 2022 On Tuesday 20 September 2022 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag), the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2023 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2023 Tax Plan (Belastingplan).
Recent developments regarding (1) the tax treatment of W&I premiums and payouts; (2) the Dutch Supreme Court’s prejudicial questions following the CJEU Lexel ruling; and (3) the consultation on the modernization of Dutch partnerships On 18 October 2022, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published a document regarding certain Dutch corporate income tax considerations in respect of premiums and payouts under a Warranties and Indemnities (W&I) insurance.
The Netherlands launches public consultation on draft bill for Pillar Two implementation On 24 October 2022, the Dutch Government published a draft bill and explanatory notes for public consultation on the implementation of the 15% minimum corporate tax rate following Pillar Two (the “Draft Bill”).
Current developments in Dutch tax law This Tax Alert provides an update on three relevant tax development.
Overige (internationale) fiscale ontwikkelingen Er staan nog de nodige wijzigingen in het internationale fiscale landschap op de agenda:
Further guidance on Dutch ATAD implementation and measures against letterbox companies Further to the policy plans published by the Dutch government in October 2017, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published on February 23, 2018 a Letter (the "Letter") containing further details on certain aspects of the Dutch government's two way appr
Stibbe advises TRUMPF Stibbe advises TRUMPF, a leading high-technology company, on the acquisition of the Photonics business from Philips.
Stibbe advises Insight / Recorded Future Stibbe advises Recorded Future, a portfolio company of Insight Venture Partners, on the acquisition of Hatching.
Stibbe advises China National Petroleum Company Advising China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on its acquisition of a 35% interest in Syria Shell Petroleum Development (SSPD), currently 100% owned by Shell.
Wet DBA: handhaving opgeschort tot 1 januari 2020, maar verruiming handhaving bij kwaadwillenden Minister Koolmees en staatssecretaris Snel stuurden vrijdag 9 februari jl. de aangekondigde brief aan de Tweede Kamer met daarin een schets hoe het kabinet denkt te komen tot wetgeving die de Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties zal vervangen.
Findings published from study into Dutch lucrative interest scheme – carried interest / sweet equity The Dutch Government published findings from a study performed into the Dutch lucrative interest scheme, which scheme generally applies to carried interest / sweet equity arrangements of managers of private equity funds and their portfolio companies.
The Netherlands’ Budget Day 2024 On Tuesday 17 September 2024 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2025 Tax Package (Pakket Belastingplan) including the 2025 Tax Plan (Belastingplan) and the 2025 Other Tax Measures (Overige Fiscale Maatregelen).
Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis.
2023 Spring Memorandum includes several policy proposals for tax measures relevant for the Dutch real estate market The Dutch government published the annual Spring Memorandum on Friday 28 April 2023. In this blog post, the policy proposals for tax measures included in the Spring Memorandum that are relevant for real estate investments in the Netherlands are discussed.
Stibbe advises United Investment Europe Stibbe assisted United Investment Europe with the corporate, real estate, tax and finance aspects of the development of the 90,000 sqm China-Belgium Technology Center (CBTC), the largest Chinese greenfield investment ever in Belgium.