95 results Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd. C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here. Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use. Digital Law Up(to)date: Display of advertising messages in electronic inbox similar to real emails constitutes unsolicited communication On 25 November 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the display in the electronic inbox of advertising messages in a form similar to real email constitutes an unsolicited communications. European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections? Pagination Previous page Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6
Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd.
C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here.
Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Display of advertising messages in electronic inbox similar to real emails constitutes unsolicited communication On 25 November 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the display in the electronic inbox of advertising messages in a form similar to real email constitutes an unsolicited communications.
European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections?