234 results Court of Justice dismisses all appeals against cartel decision in the freight forwarding sector On 1 February 2018, the European Court of Justice dismissed the appeals by several freight forwarders for their participation in various infringements in the sector for international air freight forwarding services. ACM publishes position paper on market dominance by tech companies On 1 February 2018, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published a position paper setting out its strategy in relation to market dominance of internet and technology companies. Happy first anniversary! One year of the Vifo Act: an update On the first of June, the Dutch national security investment screening regime (the Vifo Act) celebrated its first anniversary. Time to take stock of key findings and forthcoming developments. ACM rolls the dice on roll-up strategies The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets has cleared its first acquisition based on a ‘roll-up strategy’ assessment. The outcome of another roll-up strategy merger assessment is pending. Evidentiecriterium door de Afdeling ontgroend: weigering om terug te komen van boete evident onredelijk De Afdeling oordeelt in haar uitspraak van 28 april 2021 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2021:908) voor de eerste keer expliciet dat een weigering om van een in rechte onaantastbaar besluit terug te komen evident onredelijk is. HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening. Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd. C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here. Commission takes labour market enforcement to the next level Employers beware: the European Commission is strengthening its actions against anticompetitive practices in labour markets. In its recent Competition Policy Brief it takes a tough stance. Companies are well-advised to review their employment practices. ACM walks the walk: first-ever vertical price coordination fine The Dutch Competition Authority (“ACM”) has claimed a first victim in its vertical restraints battle. Samsung Electronics was fined nearly EUR 40 million for having meddled in the online resale prices for televisions at seven retailers. Buckle up: the ACM is racing ahead with speedy solutions and more fines The Dutch competition watchdog ACM will bite faster and fiercer, according to its new chairman Martijn Snoep. The ACM plans to shorten the length of its investigations by deciding on their merits sooner. Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier). Mondelēz’s fine takes the biscuit: cross-border trade crusade peaks The European Commission has fined Mondelēz EUR 337.5 million for restricting cross-border trade. Brand owners are advised to double-check their licensing and distribution systems, as well as their commercial conduct, for possible territorial restraints. The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints. Guess what, online branding restrictions are on the Commission's radar Companies are probably aware of the Commission's eagerness to clamp down on online resale price maintenance and geo-blocking restrictions. The recent fine for vertical restraints by clothing company Guess marks a new dot on the Commission's radar. Forewarned is forearmed: RPM still top of mind The clock is ticking for companies to set the record straight on resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers must be able to determine their own retail prices without any direct or indirect meddling by suppliers. UK Court upholds fine against Ping for online sales ban On 7 September 2018, the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) upheld the UK Competition and Market Authority's (CMA) decision fining Ping Europe Limited, a manufacturer of golf clubs, for violating EU and UK competition law. European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections? Pagination Previous page Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Current page 13
Court of Justice dismisses all appeals against cartel decision in the freight forwarding sector On 1 February 2018, the European Court of Justice dismissed the appeals by several freight forwarders for their participation in various infringements in the sector for international air freight forwarding services.
ACM publishes position paper on market dominance by tech companies On 1 February 2018, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published a position paper setting out its strategy in relation to market dominance of internet and technology companies.
Happy first anniversary! One year of the Vifo Act: an update On the first of June, the Dutch national security investment screening regime (the Vifo Act) celebrated its first anniversary. Time to take stock of key findings and forthcoming developments.
ACM rolls the dice on roll-up strategies The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets has cleared its first acquisition based on a ‘roll-up strategy’ assessment. The outcome of another roll-up strategy merger assessment is pending.
Evidentiecriterium door de Afdeling ontgroend: weigering om terug te komen van boete evident onredelijk De Afdeling oordeelt in haar uitspraak van 28 april 2021 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2021:908) voor de eerste keer expliciet dat een weigering om van een in rechte onaantastbaar besluit terug te komen evident onredelijk is.
HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening.
Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd.
C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights? The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here.
Commission takes labour market enforcement to the next level Employers beware: the European Commission is strengthening its actions against anticompetitive practices in labour markets. In its recent Competition Policy Brief it takes a tough stance. Companies are well-advised to review their employment practices.
ACM walks the walk: first-ever vertical price coordination fine The Dutch Competition Authority (“ACM”) has claimed a first victim in its vertical restraints battle. Samsung Electronics was fined nearly EUR 40 million for having meddled in the online resale prices for televisions at seven retailers.
Buckle up: the ACM is racing ahead with speedy solutions and more fines The Dutch competition watchdog ACM will bite faster and fiercer, according to its new chairman Martijn Snoep. The ACM plans to shorten the length of its investigations by deciding on their merits sooner.
Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier).
Mondelēz’s fine takes the biscuit: cross-border trade crusade peaks The European Commission has fined Mondelēz EUR 337.5 million for restricting cross-border trade. Brand owners are advised to double-check their licensing and distribution systems, as well as their commercial conduct, for possible territorial restraints.
The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints.
Guess what, online branding restrictions are on the Commission's radar Companies are probably aware of the Commission's eagerness to clamp down on online resale price maintenance and geo-blocking restrictions. The recent fine for vertical restraints by clothing company Guess marks a new dot on the Commission's radar.
Forewarned is forearmed: RPM still top of mind The clock is ticking for companies to set the record straight on resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers must be able to determine their own retail prices without any direct or indirect meddling by suppliers.
UK Court upholds fine against Ping for online sales ban On 7 September 2018, the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) upheld the UK Competition and Market Authority's (CMA) decision fining Ping Europe Limited, a manufacturer of golf clubs, for violating EU and UK competition law.
European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections?