38 results Climate seminar Everyone is opposed to climate degradation, but who will foot the bill? Companies are in the spotlight as 'big polluters'. The government is introducing stricter laws and regulations. Environmental organizations are tightening the screws via the courts. Klimaatseminar - Bedrijven en klimaattransitie: wat moet er gebeuren en wie betaalt de rekening? Iedereen is tegen verslechtering van het klimaat, maar wie betaalt de rekening? Veel ogen zijn gericht op bedrijven als ‘grote vervuilers’. De overheid scherpt wet- en regelgeving aan. Milieuorganisaties draaien via de rechter de duimschroeven aan. Webinar 'Tax news for Private Equity and Venture Capital firms' The NVP and Stibbe are organising the webinar 'Tax news for Private Equity and Venture Capital firms' on Tuesday 29 November from 16:00 to 17:15. Elske Raedts and Pieter Schütte will attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Elske Raedts and Pieter Schütte will be attending the 8th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 7 and 8 December in Frankfurt, Germany. Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023. Women in Restructuring 2023 conference Stibbe is proud to be an exclusive sponsor for the Netherlands at the GRR Live: Women in Restructuring 2023 conference, the event will take place on June 29. Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam. The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon. Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'. Symposium 'De notariële naaidoos voor de maatschappelijk verantwoorde BV' Op dinsdag 12 november is het symposium 'De notariële naaidoos voor de maatschappelijk verantwoorde BV' waar Sandra Rietveld en Swaen van Koningsbruggen van ons notariaat enkele actuele ontwikkelingen rondom dit onderwerp bespreken. Seminar ‘Nieuw pensioencontract voor werkgevers’ Op 19 april 2022 vond het Stibbe seminar ‘Nieuw pensioencontract voor werkgevers’ plaats. Paul Vestering, Diederik Kok, Phinney Disseldorp en Willem Eikelboom bespraken het nieuwe pensioenstelsel op basis van het Wetsvoorstel toekomst pensioenen. Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering will be attending the 7th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 19 and 20 September in Frankfurt, Germany. Conference: Erik Valgaeren speaks on Algorithmic Criminal Justice at Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference Erik Valgaeren, TMT partner at Stibbe in Brussels, speaks about Algorithmic Criminal Justice at the 14th edition of the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference taking place from 27-29 January 2021 in Brussels. Webinar: Beyond Schrems II – The next generation of international data transfers After a first webinar on the groundbreaking Schrems II case, Stibbe's TMT department is hosting a follow-up webinar on international data transfers in the light of recent important developments. The webinar takes place on 15 December 2020 at 11:00 am. Webinar: Intellectual Property Rights and Insolvency Proceedings Agoria, Belgium’s largest sectorial employers’ federation of technology driven companies, patent office V.O. and Stibbe jointly organise a webinar on the main aspects of insolvency proceedings and their impact on intellectual property rights. Charlotte Conings speaks on cybercrime and cyberprocedure during a seminar organised by KU Leuven Stibbe's litigation associate, Charlotte Conings, speaks on access to and use of digital evidence in criminal proceedings during a seminar organised by the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) and the Institute for Criminal law of KU Leuven. Webinar: What is left after Schrems II? Stibbe organises a webinar on the implications of the groundbreaking Schrems II decision which annulled the U.S. Privacy Shield and questioned the standard contractual clauses. Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
Climate seminar Everyone is opposed to climate degradation, but who will foot the bill? Companies are in the spotlight as 'big polluters'. The government is introducing stricter laws and regulations. Environmental organizations are tightening the screws via the courts.
Klimaatseminar - Bedrijven en klimaattransitie: wat moet er gebeuren en wie betaalt de rekening? Iedereen is tegen verslechtering van het klimaat, maar wie betaalt de rekening? Veel ogen zijn gericht op bedrijven als ‘grote vervuilers’. De overheid scherpt wet- en regelgeving aan. Milieuorganisaties draaien via de rechter de duimschroeven aan.
Webinar 'Tax news for Private Equity and Venture Capital firms' The NVP and Stibbe are organising the webinar 'Tax news for Private Equity and Venture Capital firms' on Tuesday 29 November from 16:00 to 17:15.
Elske Raedts and Pieter Schütte will attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Elske Raedts and Pieter Schütte will be attending the 8th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 7 and 8 December in Frankfurt, Germany.
Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023.
Women in Restructuring 2023 conference Stibbe is proud to be an exclusive sponsor for the Netherlands at the GRR Live: Women in Restructuring 2023 conference, the event will take place on June 29.
Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam.
The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon.
Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'.
Symposium 'De notariële naaidoos voor de maatschappelijk verantwoorde BV' Op dinsdag 12 november is het symposium 'De notariële naaidoos voor de maatschappelijk verantwoorde BV' waar Sandra Rietveld en Swaen van Koningsbruggen van ons notariaat enkele actuele ontwikkelingen rondom dit onderwerp bespreken.
Seminar ‘Nieuw pensioencontract voor werkgevers’ Op 19 april 2022 vond het Stibbe seminar ‘Nieuw pensioencontract voor werkgevers’ plaats. Paul Vestering, Diederik Kok, Phinney Disseldorp en Willem Eikelboom bespraken het nieuwe pensioenstelsel op basis van het Wetsvoorstel toekomst pensioenen.
Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering will be attending the 7th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 19 and 20 September in Frankfurt, Germany.
Conference: Erik Valgaeren speaks on Algorithmic Criminal Justice at Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference Erik Valgaeren, TMT partner at Stibbe in Brussels, speaks about Algorithmic Criminal Justice at the 14th edition of the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference taking place from 27-29 January 2021 in Brussels.
Webinar: Beyond Schrems II – The next generation of international data transfers After a first webinar on the groundbreaking Schrems II case, Stibbe's TMT department is hosting a follow-up webinar on international data transfers in the light of recent important developments. The webinar takes place on 15 December 2020 at 11:00 am.
Webinar: Intellectual Property Rights and Insolvency Proceedings Agoria, Belgium’s largest sectorial employers’ federation of technology driven companies, patent office V.O. and Stibbe jointly organise a webinar on the main aspects of insolvency proceedings and their impact on intellectual property rights.
Charlotte Conings speaks on cybercrime and cyberprocedure during a seminar organised by KU Leuven Stibbe's litigation associate, Charlotte Conings, speaks on access to and use of digital evidence in criminal proceedings during a seminar organised by the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) and the Institute for Criminal law of KU Leuven.
Webinar: What is left after Schrems II? Stibbe organises a webinar on the implications of the groundbreaking Schrems II decision which annulled the U.S. Privacy Shield and questioned the standard contractual clauses.
Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data.