Tirza Cramwinckel nominated for the Gouden Zandloper award

Inside Stibbe
NL Law

We are proud to announce that our colleague Tirza Cramwinckel has been nominated for a Gouden Zandloper Award. She has been nominated for this Academic Achievement Award for her dissertation on Voorlichting door de Belastingdienst in rechtsstatelijke context. Een juridisch en communicatiewetenschappelijk onderzoek naar gewekt vertrouwen. In her dissertation, Tirza explored legal questions raised by the need for general information provided by the Dutch Tax Authorities to be as simple and understandable as possible, while tax law is often complex and technical. 

Every year, de Gouden Zandlopers are awarded by publisher Sdu and a jury. The awards go to individuals or initiatives that have made a meaningful contribution to the legal profession and the law. This can be in many different areas, from talent and inclusion to innovation and legal design. An Oeuvre Award is also presented each year to a lawyer who has made a lifelong contribution to the legal arena. This year will mark the 18th edition of de Gouden Zandlopers.

Click here for more information.