Stibbe represents Varkens in Nood in a case about enforcement of the ban on amputating pig tails

NL Law

Stibbe is assisting Varkens in Nood Foundation to improve the living standards for pigs in the livestock industry. 

In the Netherlands, many pigs in intensive livestock farming live together in a small space and with little distraction. As a result of these living conditions, pigs develop behavioural disorders such as tail biting. Tail biting can be prevented by improving living conditions, but in many cases the pig’s tails are amputated instead. A European and national ban on the routine amputation of pig tails has been in place since 1991. But this still happens to pigs in intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands. The supervisory authority (NVWA) refuses to enforce the ban. Stibbe is representing Varkens in Nood pro bono in a procedure to force the NVWA to change the enforcement policy and implement the ban.

Further information on the case can be found here.