E-book: 'Equal pay for women and men: the most important legislative initiatives at European and national level'
Although the right to equal pay of women and men has long been included in anti-discrimination law, there is still a difference in pay between women and men. That is why this subject is high on the agenda of the legislator. This e-book gives a practical overview of the most important initiatives for new legislation at European and national level, and the consequences involved for employers.
The difference in pay between women and men is still very much an issue: in 2020, the gender pay gap in the Netherlands was 14.2%. A large part of this pay gap cannot be explained by objective reasons. It is for that reason that new legislation is under development, both at European and at national level, to promote equal pay between men and women.
Two important initiatives are: (1) the initiative bill aiming at the introduction of a certificate to prove that women and men receive equal pay for work of equal value; and (2) the Proposal for a directive of the European Commission on strengthening the principle of equal pay between men and women. Both proposals serve to increase pay transparency.
This publication explains these initiatives and discusses their consequences for employers in further detail.
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