Thijs van Paridon

Thijs is a lawyer in the Public Law practice group. 

Thijs van Paridon Stibbe

Thijs van Paridon

Junior Associate (awaiting bar admission) Amsterdam

Thijs is a lawyer in the Public Law practice group. 

Thijs van Paridon

Junior Associate (awaiting bar admission) Amsterdam
Languages: Dutch, English
Mastbos cut down trees
NL Law

Regels tegen ontbossing: de werking en inwerkingtreding van de Ontbossingsverordening

Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de nieuwe regelgeving over ontbossing. In dit blog bespreken wij de belangrijkste punten.

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Mastbos cut down trees
NL Law

Rules against deforestation: the effect and coming into effect of the Deforestation Regulation

Developments regarding the regulation on deforestation. In this blog we address the most prominent matters.

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