Miranda van Eekelen - Atema

Miranda specialises in commercial litigation and insolvency law. She handles a broad range of civil liability issues, including complex commercial disputes.

Miranda van Eekelen-Atema Stibbe

Miranda van Eekelen - Atema

Associate Amsterdam

Miranda specialises in commercial litigation and insolvency law. She handles a broad range of civil liability issues, including complex commercial disputes.

Miranda van Eekelen - Atema

Associate Amsterdam

Miranda graduated (summa cum laude) in Private Law from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2021.

She has experience in the field of business economics, in particular in financial reporting and insurance.

Miranda is a member of the Association of Young Insolvency Lawyers (JIRA).

Languages: Dutch, English
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2021
Office building
NL Law

Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future

We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts.

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Street in Brussels with flowing traffic
NL Law

Supreme Court abandons distinction between primary-coverage clauses and preventive-warranty clauses. Good riddance?

The Dutch Supreme Court handed down an important decision on 16 February 2024 on the restrictive standard of reasonableness and fairness with respect to insurance policies.

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Office building sun flare
NL Law

Invalidation of agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge under Article 69 of the Bankruptcy Act?

The Dutch Supreme Court handed down a judgment on 15 Dec 2023 clarifying whether agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge can be affected by an application under Article 69 of the Dutch Bankruptcy Act.

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Shopping carts supermarket
NL Law

Stibbe vertegenwoordigt Albert Heijn in Didam-zaak

Stibbe heeft met succes Albert Heijn Hendrikse en Ahold Real Estate vertegenwoordigd in een kort geding tegen de Gemeente Tynaarlo.

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