Marnix Wallinga
Marnix specialises in complex domestic and cross-border commercial litigation. In legal proceedings, he represents a range of both Dutch and international clients, from financial institutions to leading businesses.
Marnix specialises in complex domestic and cross-border commercial litigation. In legal proceedings, he represents a range of both Dutch and international clients, from financial institutions to leading businesses.
He specialises in collective redress, contractual disputes, tort cases and financial litigation.
Marnix obtained a PhD from the University of Groningen in 2018 for a doctoral thesis on the interaction between EU financial services regulation and national private law from a European and comparative law perspective (published by Springer in 2020). He is affiliated with the Groningen Centre for European Financial Services Law.
He lectures and publishes on a regular basis, primarily in the fields of EU financial regulation, private law and collective redress. He is also a contributing member of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht (NTBR, a Dutch periodical on civil law) and the Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken (TvC, a Dutch periodical on consumer law and commercial practices).
Marnix is a member of the Dutch Civil Law Association (VBR), the Dutch Lawyers’ Association (NJV) and the Dutch Financial Law Association (VvFR).