Jan-Jaap Koningsveld

Jan-Jaap Koningsveld heads Stibbe’s TMT/IP practice in Amsterdam. He is a pragmatic and solution-driven lawyer with extensive experience in intellectual property (IP), IT, data protection, and cybersecurity. He provides a distinctive combination of strategic advice and practical guidance in navigating complex corporate transactions. 

Jan-Jaap Koningsveld Stibbe

Jan-Jaap Koningsveld

Counsel Amsterdam

Jan-Jaap Koningsveld heads Stibbe’s TMT/IP practice in Amsterdam. He is a pragmatic and solution-driven lawyer with extensive experience in intellectual property (IP), IT, data protection, and cybersecurity. He provides a distinctive combination of strategic advice and practical guidance in navigating complex corporate transactions. 

Jan-Jaap Koningsveld

Counsel Amsterdam

Specialising in IP due diligence, restructuring, and portfolio management, Jan-Jaap is a trusted advisor for national and international M&A transactions and post-transaction integrations. His expertise in navigating data protection regulations and mitigating cybersecurity risks adds significant value for clients in today’s fast-evolving digital landscape. Additionally, his background in litigation enhances his ability to support clients in both commercial disputes and IP proceedings before courts and regulatory bodies. 

Jan-Jaap advises a broad range of national and international clients in private equity, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, production and industry, and financial services, providing tailored solutions that align with their business strategies.

He holds a master's degree in civil law (with honours) from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with specialisations in intellectual property law and civil procedural law.

Languages: Dutch, English
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2012
Office table with a phone, tablet and laptop
NL Law

Een jaar privacy-toezicht verantwoord: Dit zegt het jaarverslag van de AP

De AP legt in haar jaarverslag verantwoording af over 2024. Het jaar kenmerkte zich door een mix van strenge handhaving én stimulerende maatregelen om naleving te bevorderen. Wat kan uw organisatie hiervan leren?

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Close-up of law codes on a bookshelf in the library of Stibbe in Brussels
NL Law
BE Law
EU Law

C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights?

The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here.

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digital devices tablet, laptop, phone
NL Law
EU Law

De AP op zoek naar de juiste regie in een veranderend privacy-landschap

Op 3 maart heeft de AP het evaluatierapport over haar functioneren naar de Tweede Kamer verstuurd. Het is duidelijk dat de AP voor uitdagingen staat in een veranderend privacy-landschap.

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Office table with a phone, tablet and laptop
NL Law

Netflix in own privacy cliffhanger: EUR 4.75 million fine from Dutch GDPR Watchdog

Netflix, the global streaming giant, has been fined €4.75 million by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, or AP) for failing to provide customers with adequate information about how their personal data was being processed.

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