Stibbe Avocats (association d'avocats)
26, Boulevard F.W. Raiffeisen
L-2411 Luxembourg
T. +352 26 61 81
F. +352 26 61 82
Luxembourg VAT number: LU24165116
Stibbe Avocats is an unincorporated law partnership and its attorneys are registered with the following professional organisation and bound by its professional rules and codes of conduct.
Under Luxembourg law, law firms have to verify the identity of clients, in certain situations, before accepting an assignment and report unusual transactions to a central authority. Please ask your adviser if you have questions on this legal requirement. See also the website of Cellule de renseignement financier (CRF) (financial intelligence unit).
Stibbe Avocats attorneys are primarily insured under professional indemnity policies entered into on their behalf by the respective Bar to which they belong for professional liability risks. In addition to these policies, Stibbe Avocats and its attorneys have secondary worldwide insurance coverage via its insurance agent Aon Nederland C.V., Condensatorweg 54, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More information can be found in Aon’s insurance declaration.
The general conditions of Stibbe Avocats apply for all services performed by Stibbe Avocats and can be found on More information about, among others, our fees, applicable law and choice of forum can be found in our general conditions.
Our aspiration is to provide our clients with the best possible service. Should you for any reason not be satisfied with our services or have any further questions, we would like to hear from you. Any questions, suggestions or complaints can be addressed to our abovementioned addresses or to