E-book 'The current NOW and the expected changes in the new/extended NOW (NOW 2.0)'.
On 1 April 2020, the Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure to Preserve Employment ("NOW") was published. Since 6 April 2020, the UWV desk has been opened and employers can apply for a wage subsidy under the NOW. By 30 April 2020, approximately 114,000 applications had been submitted to the UWV.
The first weeks after the NOW came into effect have expired. A good time to take stock and, looking ahead to a possible extension of the NOW (which is expected to be decided by the government before 1 June 2020), to list the most important developments. What changes have been made to the current NOW? What will the extension of the NOW look like? What developments are there with regard to support measures for the self-employed (Tozo)?
Our Employment, Pensions and Incentives practice group has compiled the recent developments regarding the NOW and the Tozo in an e-book. On the basis of recent parliamentary debates and adopted motions, the extension of the NOW is also being looked at in advance.
The e-book serves as a reference work for employers and other (independent) entrepreneurs to support their business operations during the current corona crisis. We hope you can make useful use of it.
Click on the image to download the e-book.

More about the coronavirus
You can read more publications on the impact of the coronavirus on our website. Here you will also find a list of contacts within our office who can advise you with questions about the implications of the coronavirus for your company.
> Visit our NOW website at www.stibbe-now.nl