Capital Markets

Shareholding filings by listed companies and their shareholders
Navigating the various AFM shareholding notification obligations in the Netherlands for listed companies and their shareholders can be complex. Emilie Renardel de Lavalette published an article breaking down the required filings.

EU Listing Act: Market Soundings Regime
Market soundings are a tool for issuers and financial market participants to gauge investor interest in potential transactions before they are publicly announced. These interactions often involve sharing inside information as defined by the MAR.

De algemene vergadering van de beursvennootschap van 2025
Manon Cremers en Lieke Stroeve behandelen in TOP (het Tijdschrift Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk) de uitdagingen en kansen van de volledig digitale algemene vergadering voor beursvennootschappen.

Top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands
Nora Offergelt and Pieter Schütte have written a Practice Note with Practical Law Capital Markets in which they discuss the top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands.